Orange County Blacksmith Guild

Introduction to Basic Blacksmithing First Saturday of the Month
13 years of age is our minimum in the shop.
We work with fire and hot metal, a safe environment is the first priority.
We burn coal in our forges, some smoke is part of the experience, if you have any respiratory issues this class may now be a good choice. Some of our students bring respirators or masks.

Anyone not able to drive themselves to the shop must be accompanied by an adult that will remain on site

    4.5 hour Introductory Class begins at 8:30 sharp

Class includes:
  History of blacksmithing
  Overview of shop safety
  Overview of materials and tools
  How to work with the coal forge
  Building and controlling a coal fire
  Making a meat turner working at the forge

    Our Introduction Class fills up quickly and is usually filled months out
Stop in early on a first Saturday of the month, 
take a look at our shop,

Intro Spots are Scheduled
Email Caroline at     [email protected]
We will get back to you with the next opening on the schedule

Download a compressed copy of the introduction to bring to class, 
or, we can provide one at an extra cost.

$40 non refundable class fee, check made to (Caroline Smith) or cash
As of Nov- 2024 class fee will be $75.00

    Cotton or wool clothing (no shorts)
    Full toe shoes, no open toe, canvas not recommended
    Hat or some sort of head covering
    Ear protection is recommended, but not required
    Safety Glasses (these can be purchased at any big box home store or local hardware)
                                ( You must have side protection on these safety glasses)
    We burn coal in our forges, some smoke is part of the experience, if you have any respiratory                        issues this class may not be a good choice. Some of our students bring respirators or masks.

We will provide the necessary tools

Please read rules and shop safety information at the bottom of our HOME page.